Mass Sorting Cards & FREE October Bulletins
Order of the Mass Sorting Cards
Mass Sorting cards can be a fantastic hands-on and interactive tool to teach about the order of events in Catholic Mass. By engaging students in this way, you’ll help them understand and remember the sequence of the Mass more effectively. These Mass Order sorting cards are one of the most popular resources on my TPT page. If you teach younger students, try these sequencing cards that focus on key moments in the match (and match the Catholic Kids Bulletins that they are used to)!
Here are some ideas of how you can use these in your classroom.
1. Chronological Sorting
Mix up the Catholic Mass Sorting Cards and have the students work together or individually to place them in the correct chronological order. As they do this activity, encourage discussions about the significance and purpose of each part of the Mass.
2. Skit Sequencing
Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a specific part of the Mass by passing out the Catholic Mass Sorting Cards (e.g., the Gospel reading, the offertory). In a fun role-playing exercise, have the groups act out their part of the Mass. For a bigger challenge, give them a series of cards and they can act out the cards in the correct order. This activity adds an interactive as well as an engaging element to their learning experience.

3. Matching Pictures and Descriptions
Pass out the notes pages that are included with the Catholic Mass Sorting Cards then have students fill out the notes portion with pictures depicting different parts of the Mass. After they are completed, students can cut their notes apart. Then, they can challenge other students to match the pictures with the corresponding descriptions, explaining why each image represents that specific part of the Mass. This activity will reinforce their understanding of the order of events and help them make connections between visuals and liturgical actions.
4. Test Their Knowledge
Instead of providing the students with pre-labeled sorting cards, give them blank cards and ask them to draw or write about the different parts of the Mass from memory. Then, gather the class together for a group discussion, allowing each student to share their cards and explain their reasoning behind the sequence they created. Use the Catholic Mass Sorting Cards to identify if they have missed any part of the Mass. This reflective exercise encourages critical thinking as well as helps students internalize the order of events.
5. Get Moving
Assign each team a Catholic Mass Sorting Cards and as you explain each part of the Mass, they have to physically move around the room to get corresponding cards in the correct order.
If you want some game ideas to try when using sorting cards, check out this post. Remember, the key is to keep it fun, interactive, and relatable. By using sorting cards and engaging activities, you’ll make learning the order of the Catholic Mass enjoyable and memorable for your students!
Year B (2024): Catholic Kids Bulletins in English & Spanish
Do you want ONE file with a whole year of Catholic Kids Bulletins? It’s ready! As always, the monthly bulletins will remain free, but the yearly version is way more convenient.
In one easy download, you’ll get…
- A full year of bulletins
- Over 50 Catholic saints including Saint Anthony, Saint Kateri, and Saint Martin de Porres
- The entire liturgical year specifically Ordinary time, Lent, and Advent
- Holy Days of Obligation
- Holy Week
The Catholic Kids Bulletin worksheets (in English & Spanish) match up to the weekly Mass readings in the Catholic Church. There are coloring pages that match the weekly Gospel reading. There are also activities throughout the month, along with Psalm copywork and a wordsearch.
Do you need more resources to teach about the Mass? Try these links…
- Mass Order Activities to use with the FREE Catholic Kids Bulletins
- More Activities to go along with the Catholic Kids Bulletin
- Mass Order Worksheets and Games
- Catholic Mass Items: Sort and Identify Chalice, Paten, Stole
- BINGO Using the Order of the Mass
Catholic Kids Bulletin
The FREE Printable Catholic Kids Bulletin worksheets match up to the weekly Mass readings in the Catholic Church. Firstly, there are coloring pages that match the weekly Gospel reading. There are Mass activities throughout the month, as well as Psalm copy work and a word search. In addition, the order of the liturgy of the Mass along the top of each bulletin also helps kids follow along during Mass. Then, they can learn the order and structure of the Mass. Finally, a coloring page about a Catholic Saint teaches about Catholic History and saints.
Have you used Catholic Kids Bulletins before? If you have questions, check here…

Year B (2024): Catholic Kids Bulletins in English & Spanish: A Full Year of Mass Activities!
October Catholic Kids Bulletin
Octubre Boletín para Niños Católicos
October Bulletins include…
- Saint Michael the Archangel
- Saint Raphael the Archangel
- Saint Gabriel the Archangel
- Ordinary Time
- Saint Therese the Little Flower
- Saint Francis of Assisi
- Saint Jude
These FREE Catholic Mass Bulletin Printables are offered each month in order to help young Catholics learn at Mass. For example, you are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the left and then donate to help pay for the time and effort put into these pages. Thanks!