The Catholic Kids Bulletins are free for all to enjoy, however, if you can afford it, I would LOVE to have some support for the time and effort that I put into creating these bulletins.
You can find more resources at my TPT store and support Catholic Kids Bulletin through those purchases while finding something fun to use with your kids and students!
You can also buy the Full Year of the Catholic Kids Bulletins–this is helpful to me and so convenient for you!
However, this is optional because I still want the bulletins to be available for those who can’t afford to buy the full year. You can still download month-by-month and keep your kids learning at Mass. This blog has always been a free service to help kiddos learn at Mass. I still want to stay true to that goal. You can still download the bulletins GUILT FREE without payment if needed.
You can also support Catholic Kids Bulletins by using any of my Amazon Affiliate links. When you purchase anything through the Amazon links, I receive a small commission at no cost to you…even if you don’t buy what I recommend.
If you’re looking for great faith-based resources to save you time and help your students connect with their faith, head over to my TPT store. You’ll find activities for every topic. Whether you’re looking for Advent, Lent, or Ordinary Time, you’ll find what you need to reach your kids!
Contact me with questions or ideas at catholickidsbulletin (at)
Thanks for the support!