Free April Bulletins & Stations of the Cross Activities for Young Kids!
Do your kids know the Stations of the Cross?
Besides being a great prayer and reflection, the Stations are a perfect way for students to remember and understand Jesus’ Passion and Death. The Stations can also connect to the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. Perhaps I need to create something to help students compare and contrast the stations and mysteries. I’ll add that to the to-do list.
I’m working with 1st graders at Faith Formation this year so I put together an Easy Reader booklet to help introduce the Stations. Each page has a picture and title directly from the Stations along with simple sentences identifying the station as well as the traditional responses, “We adore you O Christ, and we praise You. Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. Last week we started the tracing and coloring and this week we’ll practice reading and praying through each page. Click HERE to check it out.
Stations of the Cross For Young Kids: Symbol Sorting

We also did an activity similar to the Resurrection Eggs that you may have seen from Catholic Icing. My kids helped me gather up some symbols and I challenged the first graders to guess what symbol matched each station. It was so fun to watch the kids talk through their ideas about the meaning of each symbol. I love activities where there doesn’t have to be a right answer. The discussion and ideas are the important part-not being able to think the way I think.
The picture to the left is my “correct answer’ but the kids put the bandaids in different places and put the heart on #4. They also thought the whip (old bracelet) was a crown of thorns.
They placed the symbols on the Stations of the Cross sorting cards which had the words and images to help them understand the Station. For some of the kids, this was an intro to the Stations and I’m excited to see what they remember next week!
Here are links to some resources if you want to make your own set of symbols. (Amazon Affiliate Links–if you click one of these links and buy anything from Amazon–I get a small commission at no cost to you!)
If you want more ideas, explanations, and activities, check out this post for ideas about the Stations of the Cross, this post about Lenten sacrifices, or this post with ideas for Lenten Lesson Plans.
Lent & Easter Lessons & Activities
Before I forget–there’s a SALE on TPT on March 28-29 so it’s a perfect time to stock up on Lent and Easter lessons and activities. You can see all of my activities here, or you can check out this BUNDLE for a great deal.
Click HERE for Year A Catholic Kids Bulletins
The FREE Printable Catholic Kids Bulletin worksheets match up to the weekly Mass readings in the Catholic Church. There are coloring pages that match the weekly Gospel reading. There are Mass activities throughout the month, as well as Psalm copy work and a word search. In addition, the order of the liturgy of the Mass along the top of each bulletin also helps kids follow along during Mass. Next, they can learn the order and structure of the Mass. Finally, a coloring page about a Catholic Saint teaches about Catholic History and saints. For example, these are terrific to teach at Mass, in addition to a pre-teaching activity to help prepare your students for the Sunday Mass.
Have you used Catholic Kids Bulletins before? If you have questions, check here…

April Catholic Kids Bulletin
Abril Boletín para Niños Católicos
April Bulletins include…
- Lent
- Saint Faustina
- Saint George
- Easter
- Holy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday
- Paschal Candles
- Saint Patrick
- Ash Wednesday
These FREE Catholic Mass Bulletin Printables are offered each month in order to help young Catholics learn at Mass. For example, you are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the left and then donate to help pay for the time and effort put into these pages. Thanks!
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[…] FREE bulletins also have pages for Holy Week that could be used for lessons even if you’re not attending the […]