
Lent & March Bulletins

Lent starts soon! Here’s a quick list of my favorite Lent resource. Lent Lesson Plan Lent & Holy Week Lesson Plan: This packet is a great overview of Lent and Holy Week. Students dig...

2019 March Catholic Kids Bulletins

These FREE Printables are offered each month to help young Catholics learn at Mass. You are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the right and donate to help...

March Catholic Kids Bulletin

These FREE Printables are offered each month to help young Catholics learn at Mass. You are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the right and donate to help...

Seven Easy Lent Activities for Little Kids

1. Fat Tuesday and a King Cake The day before Lent begins, we empty the house of all the junk food and deliciousness that we’re giving up for Lent. We usually have pancakes or...

Seven Quick Takes #3

For years, I hardly ever read books, but the last year, I’ve been reading like crazy. I’m 100% more likely to read a book if it’s loaded on my phone since it’s always with...