
Seven Quick Takes #2

I used the “I have…who has…” game with Junior High kids this week. They were much less sarcastic then the high school crowd when saying the “I have…who has…” line over and over. They seemed to...

Seven Quick Takes

Here are a few new things that we have available around here, along with some random thoughts. I finally understand the “I have…who has…” game. I always thought that it was ridiculous and pointless,...

March 2017 Catholic Kids Bulletin

These FREE Printables are offered each month to help young Catholics learn at Mass. You are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the right and donate to help...

Top 6 Lent Traditions

Traditions are an important part of our household–and Mady will be quick to remind us of any traditions that we accidentally/on purpose ‘forget’ with each season. Here’s a roundup of our favorite Lenten Traditions!...

Lent Is Here!

Here are the two projects we’re doing with Curly to celebrate Lent this year (celebrate?  Is that the right verb?  Maybe, “observe”?) A Lenten Countdown: I spent a week trying to think of inspired ideas...