Kids Can Learn at Mass with FREE Bulletins
Hi! If you’re looking for a resource to teach your kids learn at Mass, you are in the right place! Click here to learn more about the Catholic Kids Bulletins. Click here to find the more recent FREE bulletins that you can print out and give to your children or students.
The weekly Catholic Kids Bulletins will always be available at least a week before the month when they are needed….usually earlier. You can download them from my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I’ll email you when they are ready if you subscribe on the left.
I’m sure teachers are familiar with TPT–but for parents: to download from TPT, you’ll need to make a free account, then you can download my bulletins and a TON of other ideas to teach your kids about God (and everything else).
I use these bulletins as an intro activity each week at Faith Formation (CCD, Religious Ed, etc.). I also print them for my kids to draw/color/learn during Sunday Mass. They are designed to print front/back and fold in half as a small booklet.
If you’re looking for the most recent bulletins, click Bulletins on the heading and it will take you to the most recent posts. Enjoy!
I am SO excited!! I have been waiting for this for a long time. Will be sharing with the parish!
I am so happy I found this site. I really think the ideas I got here are going to be perfect next Friday for ST. Francis Day. Thank you
When I download and print the bulletins for children. none of the text prints. I handprint it now, but I can't do that for the codes, puzzles, wraps around the cover box, etc. My way doesn't look very professional. Any suggestions on ways to print the whole bulletin? It happens on my HP desktop computet AND my Samsung tablet.
Thank you,
My husband mentioned that is might help to download the SCRIBD app on your tablet, so you could try that if you haven't already. Other have said that it helps to download a PDF reader. If you contact SCRIBD, they might be more helpful. If you can't get it figured out, email me and I'll try to email you the doc directly.
I am new to your site and excited about these bulletins for my 3 kids! But I cannot figure out how to print it can u help me? Thanks 😉
Hi! To print, click on the link above the document. This will take you to SCRIBD. From there, you can download and print. I think you'll need to sign up for a SCRIBD account in order to download. Let me know if you can't get it to work.
I think your bulletins are great. My church uses them on occasion. I however, have NOT been able to get them to print on my MAC without the words being all blurred out. Even my husband (who is a computer architect) has not been able to figure it out. Please help. Your bulletins are the best I have found online, but they are useless to me if I can't print them. Thanks…Robin B
I uploaded the file onto google docs so you can try that. Check this post for the link . Let me know if it still doesn't work.
Just found this site, and I love it! Thank you so much!
Hi! I love these bulletins and would like to include them in our Family Prayer Committee Rack at Church. I notice they are copyrighted. Do I have permission to use them for this use?
Definitely. Make as many copies as you need.