Six EASY Advent Activities to teach Catholic Kids
Advent is a season of preparation, anticipation, and hope. For Catholic kids, it’s a perfect time to dive into meaningful, hands-on, and easy Advent activities about the Nativity, Mary, Saint Nicholas, and the liturgical season. Here are 10 easy Advent activities to teach Catholic kids that are both fun and faith-filled, all while keeping the focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Save yourself time! You can download the bulletins for the whole year. You’ll be ready for every Sunday and Holy Day in the next Liturgical year. No more last-minute scrambling before Mass.
1. Create an Advent Wreath
The Advent wreath is a wonderful way to teach kids about the season of Advent. Each candle represents a different theme: hope, peace, joy, and love. This simple, yet powerful symbol can help Catholic kids focus on the coming of Christ and the themes of the season.
Activity Ideas:
- Make a paper Advent wreath with colored construction paper for the candles.
- Ask students to draw an Advent wreath. This is also a great quick assessment about whether they understand and remember the parts of the wreath.
- Do a nature walk and ask the kids to collect evergreen options to create their own wreath around some pillar candles. We have this Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming tray on our table, full of evergreen gathered from the backyard and pillar candles. I love that it keeps the mess contained.
- If you want something super easy, you can get this Advent Wreath fabric to hang up and reuse every year. It’s simple, doesn’t wrinkle, and the kids can’t knock it over!
- This year, I’m going to have my kids color this Advent Wreath Collaborative Poster. I’m excited to hear them reading and discussing all the words in the background.
2. Learn About the Nativity Story
The Nativity story is the heart of Advent. Teaching Catholic kids about the birth of Jesus allows them to understand the incredible gift of God’s love for the world. This is one of the most meaningful easy Advent activities.
Activity Ideas:
- Have students create Nativity scenes using simple art materials like paper, markers, or clay. One year, I asked middle schoolers to create a nativity creche using coloring construction paper and glue–no other supplies. They had to tear the paper to make their creations, and it created such a unique and creative bulletin board!
- Act out the Nativity story, with students playing the roles of Mary, Joseph, and the angels. You could use a script, or ask the kids to create their own script!
- Discuss the significance of each character and their role in the story of Jesus’ birth.
- Relax and watch a movie! These two are my favorites: Nativity Story & The Star.
3. Celebrate the Feast of Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas, known for his generosity and kindness, is a perfect saint to highlight during Advent. His example of giving reminds Catholic kids of the importance of selflessness during this season of preparation.
Activity Ideas:
- Have students brainstorm ways to “be like Saint Nicholas” by showing kindness to others.
- Create simple gift bags filled with notes of encouragement for classmates.
- Of course, placing coins in the shoes is a classic tradition! I also buy Santa chocolates each year and have the kids make some construction paper bishop mitres.
- I created a new skit this year about Saint Nicholas. It contains the traditional Santa Claus story, as well as storm miracles and his punch at the Council of Nicea. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have any spoilers about Santa Claus, so you don’t have to worry about giving kids too much information and messing up Santa plans.
4. Honor the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception honors Mary’s special role in salvation history. It’s an opportunity to teach Catholic kids about her holiness and her “yes” to God’s plan. This easy Advent activity helps deepen the students’ understanding of Mary’s significance.
Activity Ideas:
- Have students write acrostic poems using the word “IMMACULATE.”
- Reflect on Mary’s trust in God with a guided meditation or prayer.
- Encourage students to draw or color an image of Mary to honor her on this feast day.
- There’s a new skit for Immaculate Conception as well! I know kids zone out when I talk, but when they’re reading a script, they lock-in and that’s what I want in class, so I’m going to start making reader’s theater for everything!
5. Celebrate December Saints with Easy Advent Activities!
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a powerful symbol of love and hope, especially for the Latino community. Her feast day on December 12th provides an opportunity to teach Catholic kids about Mary’s universal message of compassion and care for all.
Activity Ideas:
- Use this Advent countdown and coloring pages set. We’re going to use the Advent countdown daily (along with daily candy so the kids won’t let us forget to learn a new saint each day)!
- Draw or paint a mural of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
- Read about the saints with these Saint reading comprehension packets. Each saint in the December Catholic Kids Bulletins has a reading comprehension page. Your younger kids can learn a bit in the Catholic Kids Bulletins and the older kids can dig deeper into the saint’s story!
- Saint Juan Diego (December 9): Craft paper roses to symbolize the roses that appeared for Saint Juan Diego and discuss how his faith led to the spread of Christianity.
- Saint Lucy (December 13): Create a light-themed craft, like a lantern or candle holder, to represent Saint Lucy’s connection to light and courage in her faith.
- Saint John of the Cross (December 14): Introduce his quote “In the evening of life, we will be judged on love alone,” and have kids draw their spiritual journey toward God.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12): Create a collage of Our Lady of Guadalupe and share the story of her appearance, emphasizing her message of love and unity.
- Saint Stephen (December 26): Reflect on Saint Stephen’s courage by discussing how kids can stand up for their faith in school or at home.

6. Sing Advent and Christmas Hymns as Easy Advent Activities
Music is a powerful way to bring the spirit of Advent to life. Singing Advent and Christmas hymns is an easy Advent activity that helps Catholic kids focus on the themes of waiting, hope, and joy.
Activity Ideas:
- Teach students traditional Advent hymns like “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” or “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus.”
- Use the lyrics or religious Christmas songs as daily prayers (either sung or spoken). I grew up surrounded by religious Christmas music, but many kids today don’t know the lyrics beyond ‘Jingle Bells’. This Christmas Carols page have the first verse of popular (and religious) songs so it would be perfect to read together.
- Write new verses for a favorite hymn to reflect students’ understanding of Advent.
These 6 easy Advent activities will bring the season to life for Catholic kids. By combining hands-on projects, prayer, and Scripture, you can help your students prepare their hearts for the coming of Christ this December.
Don’t Forget – Advent Starts December 1st!
Do you need an Advent countdown that’s simple, meaningful, and easy to manage for busy parents and teachers? This new Advent Countdown includes daily table tents featuring a “saint of the day” and Bible verses that gradually tell the Nativity story, perfect for keeping kids focused on the season’s true purpose without adding more to your schedule. It’s a quick, ready-made way to bring Advent into daily routines, celebrating Christ’s birth and the saints who came before us—all with minimal effort!
If you want to more Advent activity ideas, check out my favorite Advent posts: 10 Advent Lesson Ideas, Advent Bundle, and Advent Wreath Ideas.
What easy activities are you using to teach your kids about Advent?
December Catholic Kids Bulletin
***There are THREE ways to get this resource***
- ✨ 1. Enjoy a FREE Download!
- I created these bulletins as a new mom who couldn’t afford resources like this for my kiddos. So, these will always be free for anyone who needs them! Free downloads are made available a week or two before each new month begins.
- ✨2. Monthly Purchase
- Not ready to commit to a full year? No problem! You can buy this month’s bulletins for just $10 to help support my small business.
- ✨3. Full-Year Purchase
- Save time and get the entire YEAR of Catholic Kids Bulletins in one easy download! This comprehensive resource includes both Spanish and English versions, covering every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. This page has detailed descriptions of the bulletins if you want more information.

These worksheets are designed to match each week’s Mass readings, making them perfect for engaging young hearts and minds during the liturgy.
- ✝️ Weekly Gospel Connection:
- Each bulletin includes a coloring page that reflects the week’s Gospel reading.
- ✨ Saint of the Week:
- Each week highlights a Catholic Saint, inspiring kids with the stories of holy men and women.
- ✍️ Weekly Activities:
- Kids can dive into fun activities, which are different every week. The bulletins may include Psalm tracing, mazes, color-by-number, puzzles, and word searches.
- ✔️Mass Liturgy Outline:
- The top of each bulletin features an outline of the Mass, helping kids learn the order and structure of the liturgy as they follow along.
Have you used Catholic Kids Bulletins before? If you have questions, check here…

December Catholic Kids Bulletin
Diciembre Boletín para Niños Católicos
December Bulletins include…
- ✝️ Advent
- ✝️ Advent Wreath
- ✝️ Immaculate Conception: Check out this skit!
- ✝️ Saint Nicholas: Do you need more about St. Nicholas?
- ✝️ Saint Juan Diego
- ✝️ Saint Francis Xavier: Reading Comprehension Packet
- ✝️ Saint Lucy
- ✝️ Christmas
- ✝️ Feast of the Holy Family
Follow Catholic Kids on Social Media for more ideas and resources to make it easier to teach your kids about our faith!